Classic Series Non-Stick, White Thermoplastic Masks
IOS's Classic Series non-stick, white thermoplastic masks are the perfect marriage of innovation and cost-efficiency. Made from state-of-the-art thermoplastic with a proprietary non-stick coating, our masks have the following attributes:
QuikClik™ quiet, non-intrusive pins
Excellent frame rigidity
Ultra-fast cure time
Low bath temperature (149-158 degrees F)
S-Type Claustrophobic and Open-Face masks
RF-F103-3004B - 3.0mm S-Type Claustrophobic Reinforced H&N Mask
RF-F103-3016B - 3.0mm S-Type Claustrophobic Non-Reinforced H&N Mask
RF-F103-3020B - 3.0mm S-Type Claustrophobic Non-Reinforced Open Neck H&N Mask
RF-F103-3008B - 3.0mm S-Type Open-Face Reinforced H&N Mask
RF-C100-316B - 3.0mm S-Type Claustrophobic Reinforced Head Mask
RF-C100-306B - 3.0mm S-Type Open-Face Reinforced Head Mask
S-Type Reinforced Masks
RF-F103-2004B - 2.4mm S-Type Reinforced H&N Mask
RF-F103-3006B - 3.0mm S-Type Reinforced H&N Mask
RF-C100-304B - 3.0mm S-Type Reinforced Head Mask
RF-C100-2004B - 2.4mm S-Type Reinforced Head Mask
S-type standard perforation masks
RF-F103-3002B - 3.0mm S-Type Standard Perforation H&N Mask
RF-F103-2002B - 2.4mm S-Type Standard Perforation H&N Mask
RF-C100-3002B - 3.0mm S-Type Head Mask
RF-C100-2002B - 2.4mm S-Type Head Mask
U-Frame masks
F003B - 2.4mm U-Shaped Head Mask
F005B - 3.0mm U-Shaped Head Mask
F005B-ZU - 3.0mm Wide U-Shaped Head Mask
RF-A100-3004B - 3.0mm Claustrophobic Reinforced U-frame Mask
RF-A100-308B - 3.0mm Open-Face Reinforced U-frame Mask
Other Extended Length U-Frame:
F025B - 3.0mm U-Shaped Head Mask, extended 9" length