SureMark Precision Skin Marking Systems
SureMark latex-free precision skin marking products provide multiple options for identifying CT zero slice, scar tissue, field borders, tangents, sarcomas, breast tissue, and moles. Available in metallic and non-metallic options, there is a Suremark marker for virtually every application.
PortalMark Temporary Mark Covers w/ Crosshairs
PM-400 PortalMark Temporary Mark Covers w/ Set Up Points (110)
PM-450 PortalMark Temporary Mark Covers w/ Set Up Points, Darker Skin (110)
Suremark and Suremark Wire
The most common style for general use, Suremark labels are perfect for distinguishing between a nipple shadow and lesion, thereby reducing costly repeat examinations.
Suremark Ball
SL-15 Suremark BB, 1.5mm diameter (110)
SL-20 Suremark BB, 2.0mm diameter (110)
Suremark Wire
SL-W3 Suremark 0.3mm x 336cm marking wire
SL-W4 Suremark 0.4mm x 336cm marking wire
SL-W8 Suremark 0.8mm x 336cm marking wire
VisionMark CT Markers
The Visionmark™ CT is the next generation in general use skin markers. These specially formulated non-metallic, semi-lucent markers perform consistently and accurately in a variety of applications, reducing read time on CT scans with virtually no artifact.
Visionmark Ball
V-25 Visionmark™ CT non-metallic skin markers, 2.5mm diameter (110)
V-40 Visionmark™ CT non-metallic skin markers, 4.0mm diameter (50)
V-50 Visionmark™ CT non-metallic skin markers, 5.0mm diameter (50)
ct mark and ct line
The CT Mark and CT Line have been specifically formulated for CT imaging. This specially formulated non-metallic material yields a virtually artifact-free opaque marker that is perfect for nearly all CT marking applications.
CT Mark
CT-23 CT-Mark 2.3mm non-metallic opaque ball on label, 110 per box.
CT-40 CT-Mark 4.0mm non-metallic opaque ball on label, 50 per box.
CT Mark Wire
CT-W10 1.0mm x 300cm non-metallic marker wire for CT
CT-W20 2.0mm x 300cm non-metallic marker wire for CT
clearmark Mole Marker
Clearmarks are non-metallic, semi-lucent markers made from materials specifically designed to clearly mark moles, entry points, and mass locations, yet light enough to enable clear visibility of all underlying details.
Clearmark Mole Marker
SL-MO Non-metallic semi-lucent mole marker, 110 per box